I have been a real momma for 5 weeks and I am still trying to wrap my brain around it.
After years of habitual me-centeredness and people-pleasing, it's hard to let my self believe that spending time with Ky is most important... even more important than a spotless house.
I like being a mom, eventhough I don't really know if I am doing anything "right"
I like being a mom, because it changed my whole brain when Ky was born. The world seems way different... and it is worth being tired and having stretch marks.
I like being a mom because I am beginning to understand my mom a little better now...
I like being a mom because I won't feel dumb about renting all those cool animated movies that I have missed over the last few years.
I like being a mom because I will get to discover the whole world all over again... the taste of ice cream... the smell of coffee... the sensation of riding a merry-go-round... Christmas.... through little Ky's eyes.
I like being a mom because my Mom is has more interest in the "goings on" here in BG than before.
I like being a mom, because of the way he already has begun to look at me...
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