My baby, Kyson, has a way of crying that sounds like he is scolding us... sort of a "ugh...ugh...agh...agh..." sound. He also has this "hee-hee"breathing thing that sounds like he is winding up for a howl. When he does howl, it sounds like a blood-curdling war cry and he punches and kicks like Jackie Chan... Of course the quivering chin makes it all very cute...

Somedays, after hours of this, it can seem like he very much hates the world and is demanding to be held just so, and walked for a while... A parent with no sleep (that's me) must pray...
It's hard not to take it personally if you can't see past the moment.

I can't see all the giggles and smiles and gleeful runs to Mommy right now. All I know is that when Baby ain't happy, Mommy ain't at peace.
Luckily, I am not dealing with colic or true distress...just a cranky little boy with a lot of spirit. We named him Kyson because we believe he is a little fighter. (Kyson means courageous leader.)
And he is certainly on track to fulfill that order--it seems he has a little bit of a strong-will.
During these times of overwhelming fatigue, it's great to have a husband who will step up and rock him, change him, let me sleep, feed him, pray over him, and best of all-Wes isn't at all thrown by his bouts of fussiness. He is the best new father I have ever seen. And, I am truly blessed... and Kyson is too... Otherwise all he would see somedays is a crying mommy!
Oh yeah.. here are the AMAZING ANTS, Andrea and Kandis, back in town to visit the Ky

Hey man, Im right there with you...Bella screamed 2 nights ago for about 6 hours straight...nothing stopped it. So we went to the Dr. got some meds for gas (can I take it too?) :) She did much better last night...I think we're gonna make it. We need to do lunch again soon.
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