I am still a week away from my "due date". However, I am disappointed because last time I only had to be pregnant for 8 months. This time, I guess I will be going all the way and the maybe then some!
I am not so happy...
First of all, my Doctor decided to go to Europe this week... Leaving with a substitute who snickered when I said that my real doctor had promised to order the epidural right away instead of making me wait till 5 cm. He looked at me like I was making it up!
And secondly, Friday I went to the hospital with a false alarm. I was having painful contractions from 3:30 am to 7:30 am before we called the hospital. They told us to come in. We did and by lunch they had determined that they were not close enough or strong enough.... I guess they were right.... But, I did lose some steam. My perfectly packed and organized bags have been plundered. My baby-ready clean nest has become un-nested and lazy again. And, I am now giving up on a second child. I just guess I will be permanently pregnant!
Thirdly, I am so fat! I am a human sponge that keeps expanding and collecting more water. I look in the mirror and I see Jabba the Hut in Drag! I am thirsty and hungry all the time and my stretchiest maternity clothes are at their elastical limits!
Lastly, because I have spent so much time on the net questioning every pain and symptom, I have become well acquainted with the umpteen-jillion pregnancy websites out there. I have read all sorts of message boards, listened religiously to the Pea in th Podcast, and been a faithful member of Whattoexpect.com for more than two years... But there is new documentary coming out soon called, "The Business of Being Born" that tops the list. I wish that I had enough brain cells tonight to just rant about it, but instead, check out the site and watch the trailer. I wish I had the guts to do a home birth!
I'm here if you need to vent~
I'll even vent with ya!
I love you!
so sorry....but hang in there (oh yes, I don't guess you have a choice. :)
We are leaving town on Friday..I do hope we have a baby boy by the time we get home. I will be checking on you. Do you think Kyson is ready? Love ya, wilma
Oh dear! Ugh, I would be frustrated too. I hope that after you have that little boy, you will quickly lose that water weight.
I remember my last month with Mia. Jabba the Hut in drag was an understatement. My toes wouldn't even touch the ground went I walked because they were so swollen. SERIOUSLY! HA!
Now it's frustrating, tiresome and relentless, but soon you will look back on it and laugh. Or, like me laugh and think, "Gosh, I still need to lose 20 pounds, and Mia's about to be 4!" :)
((((labor vibes))))
Hi. In_spired sent me over. I'm prego too but I have till September to go still. The end of the pregnancy does seem to drag on! Sorry about your sub doc laughing about your epidural. I love the epidural and was frustrated with my last pregnancy that I had to wait so long for it. Only in my case, I was waiting for the on-call overnight doctor to come to the hospital, check me and okay the epidural. Good Luck!
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