I have this huge slab of guilt lying on my shoulders. Because I HATE to disappoint people. But I have no choice! Sometimes I wish I had never moved back here!
When I resigned from my position on the Chamber of Commerce, I left a huge event unfinished--THE COTTON PICKIN' QUILT SHOW.
The last two directors were quilters and that is how it became a chamber event. It has been handled largely by a group of quilt lovers and then it landed on my shoulders when I became director. From the beginning I tried to convince them that it should be "outsourced". With businesses closing left and right and a troubled local economy, I wanted the Chamber to do what it was designed to do---help local businesses. The quilt show is a baby asprin compaired to the heart transplant that our city needs. I just don't think it should be the Chambers job. It never should have been. It might have brought some people to town and it might have given us a little bit of pride. I am sure people have really enjoyed them. But if it is about tourism, our high school track meets bring in much more traffic.
Now that I have resigned, we have offered many people good money to see it through but not one is dumb enough to say yes. It is an enormous head-ache according to everyone who has ever done it. And you can delegate to committees all year long and that doesn't mean you can count on anything being done. The idea of being in charge of this event makes having slivers of bamboo shoved under my fingernails sound quite pleasant...
If nobody else will touch it with a twenty-foot pole, then why was I stupid enough to even think that I should handle it? The thing is, everyone is having a stroke. "What are we gonna do? Who is going to do the Quilt Show? Oh NO!!!!" But no one wants to do it... everyone is running from it like Ebola.
Hey, I have been yappin' since June that the sky is falling. And now as pieces of the atmosphere begin drifting downward, the rest of the world finally pays attention.
Sometimes people have no clue what they are asking for...
I am no longer an employee of the Chamber yet this issue is giving me a ulcer...
The last Quilt show meeting, these were actual comments that I heard in response to my statements:
"I have never even been to a quilt show..."
"Well, you should have."
"I will be 9 months pregnant during the quilt show. Last time I went into labor a month early. I don't want to be dealing with the quilt show then"
"Sounds like poor timing."
I feel better.
Gaawwshhhhh Kacy!
Where have you been,..... under a rock? Everyone who is Anyone goes to at least ONE Quilt Show by the time they are 96!
Get with the program and get your priorities and timing straight, the Quilt Show REALLY IS such a bigger deal than procreation.
I heard that there hasn't been this type of anger and unrest in our home town since they took the ANDY CAPP Hot Fries out of the vending machine at the Munday Nursing Center!!!!
Way to Go!! BOYCOTT QUILT!!!!! heehee
Hi Sweetie, could it be Kacy that there is a little cosmic humor in this? Quilt show without the l, becomes Quit show. Sounds like you might be dealing with a sinking ship, and it was time for (l)atham to get back to your own source before you went down with the ship?
Love ya,
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