Kyson is really doing well in the milestones department. He is right on or a little ahead in this area except for a few like giggles and sleeping through the night. I have looked at the two opposing views on this (sleeping) and I have derived that neither is really all that.
Babywise says to let a baby cry. Others say to stay in the room and pat him. Then even others say that keep a good schedule and babies naturally start sleeping more at 3 months--I pray this one is right.

Wes and I have been up late, later, earlier, and early either waiting out a longer fussy spell with guilt or feeding him every two hours... (he is due for a big growth spurt at 13 weeks) We have tried keeping him up more during the day, making him take more naps during the day, feeding him formula at bed time, letting him cry a little, and also rocking, baths at bedtime, and so on.

My conclusion is that he eventually will get really tired of us and sleep through the night to avoid his over concerned parents who may put a little to much stock in so called "milestones". By the way, he isn't 3 months old quite yet.

As for giggles... he's holding out only because he likes seeing us make a fool of ourselves trying to force a laugh. He secretly holds back just to make us work for it.
Also, the biggest hit of the day is bathtime followed closely by banana baby food (homemade of course). yes, I know that he is supposedly too young but his doctor suggested it and my boy can polish off a whole container in no time.
So, maybe it's like Mamaw says, babies do come with instructions... mommy's instincts. Isn't that how God kinda made it?