Obviously we were a little off on the whole due date and a little early…
This past Saturday, Wes and I spent the day working in our yard a bit. I thought that my “Braxton Hicks” contractions were a little strong…
Around 10 pm that night, (after going through all my pregnancy guides) I decided to start timing them… I guess around 1:00 am it dawned on me that 11 to 13 contractions per hour was a little suspicious… Then when my water broke at 1:40, I decided to wake Wes and suggest we run to Hendricks for a check…
We arrived at the hospital around 2:20. A really great nurse named Linda put me on a monitor and checked me out. She said that we should plan on staying anyway because the baby was coming. We called our parents, she called my doctor, and I was just fine…
They put me on potosin to “speed” it up. Well, let’s just say it was TORTCHER. My natural contractions were completely bearable but these…THESE contractions where like big seething demon hairy evil beastly convulsions in my belly! It hurt WAY more that I was prepared for… AND, then they wouldn’t give me the epidural yet because I was only a 3…
My parents, grandmother, and Wes’s mom showed up about then… Then the nurses and doctors realized that the baby’s heart rate dropped every time I had a contraction…I dipped really low. They ordered the epidural even though I wasn’t a 5 yet. They kept watching until Dr. Daniel came in and said. We are going to have to get that baby out of you now. We are going to have to do a cesarean. The parents are sent away. Wes is the scrubbed in and we all waited on the anesthesiologist. (People were praying for us really hard meanwhile). As soon as he walked in the door, my doctor realized that I was “complete” and that I could deliver. But, no time for an epidural… That’s right. About 5 pushes later, Kyson Wesley is out in the big world. 7:15 in the morning, 5 lbs. 13 oz, and totally healthy.
Yep, he is finally here… And now this blog can be used for its original intended purpose…
To show off my kid… enjoy… more to come later…